Who am I to you and who are you to me; (bar room chat before anything really begins)
Male ______ female ______ Transexual (surgery complete) ____ hermaphrodite_____ borge _____(medically altered abilities)
(Transsexual non-complete) _____ bi-sexual_____ heterosexual _____ homosexual____ nonbinary ____ A- sexual _____
Relationship full time active_____ on hold ______ nonexistent ______ multiple partners ______
Partnerships yes____ no___ multiple _____ Married ___ Divorced ____ single _____ metamore____ not interested____
polyamorous ____ Polyfadelital ____ Polycule ___Solo Poly_____ Bdsm poly____ swinger____ monogamous ______
Dominant, husband, male energy, fire/air energy, yang energy ______ (abuse is not acceptable for anyone.) do you understand?_____
Submissive, wife, partner, female energy, earth/ water energy, yin energy ____
Multiples, also normally a submissive energy, It can have neutral energy depending the needs, but it is one or more added to the couple ____
Last std/ sti test done ___/____/_____ clean____ medication ____ Do not care ____
Children Yes___ no ____ how many _____ do you want help with them (co-parenting) _____ (the other parent)
Housing: on the streets ____rent ____own____ live with parents ____ couch surfer____ room mate ____
Drive yes ___ no___ why ________________________________________________________________
Criminal file: every one is guilty of something____ innocent ____ plead the fifth ____ convicted ____
Explain please:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
The complete file is at the office, this is just a part of the HPP prenuptial is an understanding of all parties are about. As you can see it get deeply intimate & when you fill out the entire form you will know your partner and their needs. your partner will know the same about you and will know your needs. Total contract is three/ four section for everyone to read (A) how you decide about children, (B) your personal non-negotiable term you have, (C) sexual protocols of the adults and how it is delt, (D) scheduling of the review and renewing, contracts other forms. (E) how to treat each other and your responsibilities you and your partners are signing up for. We recommend that you use our prenuptial contracts put together personal just to you.
divorced prenuptial. (Partner number one.)
Children are a responsibility that is taken on by many and enjoyed. Some choose to abort or give the child away for what ever reason, but while you are contemplating the sexual deeds of the evening if children are not in your plan, please, use protection for your respect and hers. She will love you for it later. I you cannot talk/ think about these thing you are probably not supposed to have sex.
Children: Do you want children? Yes_____ No_____
Are you willing to help raise another person’s child (co-parenting)? Yes ____ No______
Do you care if the children are born mixed blood? Yes ____ no _____
Not all children are planned by humans and we need to cherish each one. If you do not want kids, I would recommend not having sex or at least you or your partner, get spade or neutered. Are you willing to go through the presager for your partner so they do not need to? Yes ____ No ______
Do you have funding & or support for a child / children? yes _____ No _____
Children are supposing to be cherished in all life styles all over the world. In the past there were issues with children and the legacies of the family. When you had children in and out of marriage, they gave them titles it the old days. (1) elder child (2) middle child (3) youngest child (4) bastard child (5) love child for polyamorous folks. (6) half breed. If you were of full of family of one heritage the called you (7) pure blood (8) black sheep (9) golden child (10) the first or second twin (11) identical (12) fraternal. What were you? ___________________what do you want your child to be? ___________________
Monogamous up bringing: truly being monogamous is not easy these days, because it means only one true love. Which means you are not getting divorced or having a metamore of any sort so there are only two ways to enjoy children with this outlook. Test tube babies from a lab and petri dishes? ______ real old fashion one on one sexual enjoyment planting the seed? _______
Polyamorous up bringing: Being truly Polyamorous you are bound to have a few more children than others may have thought. Are you going to teach your child/ children poly life style? Yes______ no _____
When you have more than one wife via a divorce your child/ children see a poly life stile and the closest you will get by example is polyfidelity, because if you teach your child to hate they may turn from bonding all together. Do you want that to happen? Yes ____ No ____, If you do this action, it is on you if you get no grandchildren.
Schooling: Home schooling yes ___ no____ private schooling yes _____ No_____ public school yes_____ No _____ You really should investigate this before even thinking of sexual behavior of even bonding of any kind. “I will not have my child in that school.” If you do not agree than say so now.
Religion: what is your faith? _________________ What is your partner’s faith? _________________
What faith are you raising the child/ children if any? _______________________________ If you are Jewish and your spouse is catholic, how can you raise them in the ways of your faith?