Introducing Lady Selene our CEO and partner in the company we love.

Ethnicity estimate

Your DNA looks most like DNA from these 7 worlds regions.

  • England & Northwestern Europe 42%
  • Germanic Europe 26%
  • Eastern Europe & Russia 16%
  • Scotland 6%
  • Sweden & Denmark 4%
  • Wales 3%
  • Ireland 3%

Indepth about the high Priestess

This is Lady Selene Grewe.

Selene's heritage is Celtic 54%, Slavic 16%, Norse 30% and American born 100%.

What is really cool? Even most of our ancestors were close in proximity to each other ...

CEO and partner/ High Priestess for House of Pagan Pride Inc. non-profit

Currently Selene works at STT security, and she is darn proud of it as well she should be. They treat their staff like family and close friends. She is a site supervisor for the company at one of their locations and loves and respects the crew she is with. She just got done rebuilding her crew since the previous company left them high and dry. STT took over and now she can breathe like a normal human. Thank you STT, we love what you are doing, keep it up.

Selene was born to Linda and Larry Stauffer (who divorced when she was about 12). She has two brothers, one older and one younger. Selene was raised and lived in (or near to) Traverse City most of her life.  Later on, Linda married Jonn Fender (A Christian) who had four children, creating a large family. Linda, being a well noted wiccan in the community exposed Selene to the wiccan ways, while she was a teenager. They are still very close to this day and love each other very much.  Selene was accepted by her mother's coven members since she was Linda's daughter. Through this connection Selene found friends within the pagan community.

When Selene was 19, she joined the Air Force. During her time in the Military Selene acquired a group of pagans of her own. She has said on several occasions people are always asking her for pagan advice and guidance. While she was in the military, she acquired the rank of Senior Airman, E4. (Thank you for your service.) She also met her first husband while she was there. 

Selene served four years, and then came home to take care of her grandfather who had sustained an injury that did not allow him to properly care for himself.  She moved in with him and took care of his needs for a couple of years. (I know that is true because I know how she cares for me.) After that she married her second husband, who was the father of her son. While Selene was with him, she became a Christian, and stayed that way until a couple of years after they divorced. At that time, she went back to the wiccan lifestyle that she maintains to this day.

We are now to where I met this woman who was blessed by the Gods. We were working for her father at Dirt and Dust Liquidators, and neither of us were looking for anyone. Her father assigned us on jobs together a couple of times then we started talking. She was the one that taught me what polyamory was and how I could straighten my life up as a human. After me telling her about the problems I previously had with my spouses, she helped me understand what had happened. The cure to easy my soul was "polyamory".  After much discussion we decided on a polyfidelitous path. For the two of us it has been a grand adventure. We have been married nine years with 2 children between us. We bought our house seven years ago, and this year we have invested in a new roof and windows for our house. Not to mention the solar energy system installed for our home.

For years now we had been talking about putting a group of likeminded individuals together and she supported me in starting House of Pagan Pride (D.B.A.) We waited until that ran out, then we started House of Pagan Pride and Rendezvous Trainers (D.B.A.) Then we let that run out, and we started House of Pagan Pride Inc. non-profit organization with her as the treasurer, partner, and CEO of our company we cannot go wrong. After all these years I think we did it right and I think she will agree.

I am so proud of my wife, we are still working with poly fidelity today, and I am the happiest man I have ever been. She is super wife, great employee, and a wonderful teacher of the wiccan way of life.

Oh yah, I forgot Selene assisted me with our book.  Your personal Medical Journal (Written by YOU!) by creator: Rev. Michael Grewe and author: Selene Grewe. So, to say she is great person I know I am not exaggerating.